The 2014 Piedmont Laureate, Carrie Knowles, will be facilitating two free workshops at Glencoe Studios on Saturday, August 16. These workshops are available through support of the Alamance Arts Council. If you are unaware of the Piedmont Laureate program or want to learn more please visit the website at:
Workshops with Carrie Knowles/ 2014 Piedmont Laureate
Workshop Designed for Artists – Narrative in Art
Learn how to use the basic tools of narrative to focus your work.
This lecture and discussion session will help you take your concepts and work to a new level.
Please register by email at [email protected]
There is no limit on number of participants for this session.
August 16
10:30 – noon
Glencoe Studios, Glencoe Mill Village
2320 River Road, Burlington, NC
Hands-on Writing Workshop – Short Stories
During the first half hour Carrie will be discussing the basic structure of short stories, as well as how place and time play a role in the development of both characters and the story line.
Following the initial discussion, everyone will have one hour to write. Afterwards, participants may read one page of what they’ve written and receive feedback.
Please bring a fully charged laptop or pencil and paper and be prepared to work!
Registration a must – this workshop is limited to 15 participants. Register by email at [email protected]
August 16
1:30 – 4:00
Glencoe Studios, Glencoe Mill Village
2320 River Road, Burlington, NC