Member Activities
Our member artists are involved in exhibits and other activities in the area. Please visit
these locations to see Alamance Artisans in action.
- Art Above Main, 347 S Main Street, Burlington – Visit this new gallery to see members’ works.
- Harrison’s Restaurant through February 9 – Beth Hill
- Congratulations Donna Vitucci for making the cover of Chestnut Review! Photo below!
Wayne H. Drumheller will discuss his published book, Published! Now What? A self-help guidebook for everyday writers, authors, and artisans Tuesday, January 28th from 3:00-4:00 pm Tuesday, February 25th from 3:00-4:00 pm Tuesday, March 25th from 3:00-4:00 pm at Persnickety Books, 347 S Main Street Burlington
Winter Blues – an exhibit at Alamance Arts opening February 10. Artists are to submit pieces reflecting their interpretation of the theme “Winter Blues”. This can be taken as literally or as figuratively as you like. The exhibition will take place in the front two main galleries and the connecting foyer. It will open on February 10 and remain open until March 21. There will be an opening reception on February 13. To submit your art please email pictures of your pieces for consideration, along with a brief description of how each piece connects to the theme (this description may be displayed along with your piece in the exhibition). Submissions must be emailed to Kathleen Harris by January 31. She will let artists know if their pieces have been accepted by early the following week and, if selected, you must deliver your art the first week of February. There will be a contract and inventory sheet available for you to sign upon drop off. All wall art submissions must be brought in ready to hang. For 3D pieces that require a stand, it is recommended that you provide one. There are no specific restrictions around sizes but understand that the larger the pieces submitted, the less individual pieces can be accepted. Contact Kathleen Harris with questions, [email protected].
Sign up to participate in Double Vision, a collaboration with Burlington Artists League and Alamance Photography Club. Use this link ( to choose a photograph to interpret in your media. More information is available on the BAL website,