Info for Artists
Artists, Are You Ready?
Announcing the Third Annual Alamance Artisans Extravaganza
October 26 and 27th at the Vailtree Event Center
On Friday, February 15th at midnight the application to participate in the Extravaganza will become active. All participants must fill out the application in its entirety, include the booth fee, photos of your best work, and hit that submit button. Booth space is limited at Vailtree Event Center, so please send in your application early. The deadline for all applications is March 31st.
The Steering Committee is already working to again make this the most successful art event for Alamance County and for the Members of the Artisans Guild. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us (information below). Your input is very much appreciated.
Instructions for Applicants
Uploading Images
The application process includes uploading images that we will use in our brochure, newspaper and flyer advertising, Facebook, Next Door, and others. If you have difficulty uploading your images, you may also send your images on a Flash drive or CD, but you must complete the remainder of your application and fee. Instructions for how to send images are in the application.
What Images to Upload
Please upload 3 images of art that is representative of your work. It does not have to be work that you will have at the event but work that you are proud to display on our brochure and advertisements.
Timeline of Events
The timeline includes of all the important dates for the preparation leading up to the Extravaganza and the event itself. Save those important dates!
Supporter Application Form
As soon as you are notified that you have been accepted as an Extravaganza Participant, please print a Supporter Application. This year, each participant is required to secure a Supporter for the event. These tax-deductible donations from the Supporters are essential for us to be able to host this event, so thank you in advance for reaching out to local businesses and organizations.
If you need guidance when seeking a Supporter, please contact Carolyn Bell or Rita Duxbury for suggestions.
Contact Us
Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2019 Steering Committee
Our purpose is to facilitate, so please contact us with questions or concerns.
Steering Committee Co-Chairs
Jim and Rita Duxbury
[email protected]
(336) 227-7168
Committee Chairs
Application/Survey – Anita Vigorito, [email protected]
Secretary/Grant Writer – Jude Lobe, [email protected]
Supporters – Carolyn Bell, [email protected]
Hospitality – Pam Watts, [email protected]
Publicity – Edo Zadora, [email protected]
Distribution – Violet DeKnikker, [email protected]
Signage – Larry Hinshaw, [email protected]