Membership Application Fields with the * are required fields.Renewal / New Member *Please Select One.RenewalNew MemberContact InformationCheck Options *NameEmailPhoneWebsiteBusiness/Studio NameCheck the box beside each item you want displayed on your personal web page on the Alamance Artisans website. Your page will include a link to your email address and website.First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Phone *Please enter Preferred Phone NumberStreet AddressCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeWebsiteBusiness/Studio NameMedia *Artist statement for web page. *This should be a short paragraph that describes your art and why you make it.Bio for web page. *This should be a short paragraph describing your history in art including education, organization memberships, and accolades.Volunteer OpportunitiesN/ABoard of DirectorsCommunicationsEvents/ExhibitionsHospitalityNominatingArt Extravaganza Steering CommitteeProgramsWebsitePlease check your area of interest.Family Member Contact InformationCheck Options *NameEmailPhoneStreet AddressCity/State/ZipWebsiteBusiness/Studio NameCheck the box beside each item you want displayed on your personal web page on the Alamance Artisans website. Your page will include a link to your email address and website.First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Phone *Please enter Preferred Phone NumberWebsiteBusiness/Studio NameArtist statement for web page. *This should be a short paragraph that describes your art and why you make it.Bio for web page. *This should be a short paragraph describing your history in art including education, organization memberships, and accolades.Volunteer OpportunitiesN/ABoard of DirectorsCommunicationsEvents/ExhibitionsHospitalityNominatingArt Extravaganza Steering CommitteeProgramsWebsitePlease check your area of interest.Submit Your ArtworkYou may upload 6 images of your art for your web page. Please list the file names of your images here. They must be JPG files. They should be at least 600 pixels but no more than 1,000 pixels on the longest side and 72 DPI resolution. You may also upload a photo of yourself, maximum 500 pixels on the longest side. Upload multiple files by clicking 'Add more' button.Title of ArtworkUpload ArtChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileMembership Type *Membership TypeIndividual $35Family $60 (Please complete 1 form for each family member and submit together)Student $15Please select the membership type. You will be able to make your payment online at the end of this form. All memberships run from January 1 through December 31.Total$Credit / Debit Card *SubmitSave as Draft