AAg Membership Application Form

PLEASE READ: This is the online membership application for Alamance Artisans guild. Fields designated with an asterisk are required. When you have completed the application and clicked the Submit button at the bottom you will be taken to PayPal so you can pay your membership fee either with your PayPal account or using a credit or debit card. If you do not wish pay using PayPal or credit card you should not use this form. You can download a printable form by clicking here that can be completed and mailed with a check.


Contact Information

Home phone:
Cell phone:
Work phone:
Business/Studio name (optional):

Information about your artwork

Here you should list the media that apply to your work. Separate your choices with commas so your list will look something like this: "wheel-thrown pottery, photography, woodworking, computer graphics"

Your Media:*

Membership Type

A NOTE ABOUT FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: Two or more immediate family members can join the Guild at the single family membership fee. If you are joining/renewing as at the family membership rate, the primary family member should use check "Primary Family Member" and will be asked to pay the membership fee when the form is submitted. Other family members should check Additional Family Member and list the Primary Family Member in the designated box. Additional Family Members will not be taken to PayPal when your application is submitted.

LATE RENEWAL FEE: Beginning in 2017 the Guild has instituted a late renewal fee to encourage early renewals and make annual planning easier. If you are a current member and renew after February 28, there is an additional $15 fee for both Individual Member and Family Member categories. (New members are not assessed the late fee.) Please be sure to select the appropriate choice below.

Membership level:*
If you selected ADDITIONAL FAMILY MEMBER please enter the name of the Primary Family Member here::

Volunteer Opportunities

Please check any areas of volunteering you might be interested in. Thanks:*
Signature (type your name):*
Copy this text:

Note: Once you click “Submit your application” you will be taken to PayPal where you can pay your membership fee either with your PayPal account or a credit or debit card.