Antje Shiflett

Antje Shiflett Studio
floral and landscape painting


The great part about being a painter is that I never stop learning and changing. I love painting landscapes and flowers, but what or how I paint has a lot to do with which color excites me at this moment, the music I listen to, or which palette knife fits my hand today. At the end of the day, I will have a smile on my face and hope that whoever looks at my work will sense the pleasure I got and feels some of the excitement I felt during the time I put the paint on canvas.

Artist Bio

Antje Shiflett was born in a small town on the North Sea in Germany and lived in many other countries before she settled in Alamance County. Painting in oils, she creates landscapes and florals inspired by memories of places she has lived as well as her current surroundings. Antje has successfully participated in many art exhibitions and had numerous one woman shows; her style is her own and her palette recognizable.

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