Gayle Sparrow

Gayle Sparrow Art
Acrylic paintings, mixed media of cotton and acrylic paints

I make all kinds of acrylic paintings from still life to landscapes. I especially enjoy painting Caribbean waters in a landscape. I also make cotton applique quilting scenes and enhance them with acrylic paints. I love the challenge of creating a work of art that will cause the viewer to feel an emotion that will enhance their life.

Artist Bio

Hello, I am Gayle Sparrow, a retired accounting/bookkeeper. I enjoy acrylic painting, quilting, and gardening.
I have sold several acrylic paintings and was commissioned to make an art work for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Wilmington, NC. My original quilts have won awards at local shows and I have sold quilts that I have made. I love to garden in the landscape and outside air. I enjoy teaching others how do these hobbies to enrich their lives. These three things fill most of my days. I am truly fortunate.

Work for Sale