Jude Lobe

Osprey Studio
Cold Wax & Oil paintings, Enamels, Copper Sculptures, Pottery

Nature is my muse. I’m inspired by its unrelenting qualities of rejuvenation and renewal. In nature things change, evolve. Like a forest goes through an ecological succession, so do we as individuals evolve. This idea I want to translate through my art. Cold Wax & Oil and Encaustics lend themselves perfectly in expressing this idea. It affords the opportunity to show a history of the painting by building up layers, obscuring what’s beneath and removing parts of layers to reveal bits of past layers. It represents the history of a life that becomes the compilation of bits and pieces of the experiences we travel.

Artist Bio

Region In my Mind • Accepted in 7th Annual Tony Snow: Eye of the Artist Juried Show 2017
1st Place in 2D — Standing Tall — Alamance Artisans guild at Center for Creative Leadership, 5/2016
Beauty & the Peace • Accepted in Nat’l Juried Show 2015 Bank of the Arts Annual Juried Exhibition
1st Place — Where Buffalo Roam • Enamel and copper • ArtFest 2012 Fine Art Competition

Cedars Watching Sunset • Accepted in Nat’l Juried Show, Dimensions 2011
Three artworks purchased by Alamance Regional Hospital
Two works in a Rockefeller family collection
Work, Ponderings, in permanent collection of Encaustic Art Institute, Sante Fe, New Mexico
Joe Thompson portrait, Mebane Public Library

Work for Sale