Linda Fowler

Drawing, painting

I have always loved to draw and paint. Retiring from teaching gave me the chance to
pursue my artistic interests. Flowers, animals, and scenes from my travels are my some of my
favorite subjects, whether I use pastels, colored pencil, acrylic, or watercolors.
Several years ago, I began taking pottery classes with Jan Holloman through Alamance
Community College. I am enjoying the hand building process making small items.
Whenever I need inspiration, I always return to watercolors, the medium I feel most
comfortable with. I may never become wealthy because of my art, but I am much richer
because of it.

Artist Bio

Linda grew up in Orange and Alamance Counties. After a career in education, Linda and
her husband Sam moved to Winston-Salem because of a change in his career. She began taking
watercolor classes through Forsyth Technical College. Her instructor, Alice Bess, encouraged
her to exhibit her work with Associated Artists of Winston-Salem. She continued her art
education in workshops and, eventually, earned a BA in Visual Arts through University of North
Carolina in Greensboro. Linda and her husband returned to Burlington in 2011 where she
joined the Alamance Artisans’ Guild, Burlington Artists League and the BAL Gallery. Through
these organizations, she has been able to exhibit her work, as well as attend workshops with a
variety of excellent instructors.

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