Molly Brown Roberts


Subjects I love to paint: people, animals, barn scenes, old churches and mountains, various water subjects. Using traditional paint style, use of palette knife and any other objects to get my effect. Love abstract, but do mostly realistic (somewhat) paintings. Enjoy using oil, but prefer acrylic paints on large canvas, board or whatever.

Artist Bio

Have worked and sold some art in Germany and Japan when I was teaching school there. Have always been involved in art all my life. Belong to various art groups, but mostly private shows and sales. Taught art in Spokane area grades 1-8 for one year. Had a small studio with 10 other artists in Spokane, Wash. before we moved to California. Live in Folsom, Calif. part of the year. Belong to Folsom Assoc. of Art, California Art Club, El Dorado Art Assoc. Moved back to NC in 2000 where I paint and sell my work. Belonged to Alamance Artisans Art Assoc. in the past.

Work for Sale