Extravaganza application & info to paste on page

Click here for the Extravaganza Application Form

Dear AAg Members, here’s what you need to know to register for the Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2018!.

We’ve had a great early response for the Call For Artists for our All-Guild Event, Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2018!. There are only THREE slots left. We’ve had a great early response. The deadline is Saturday, May 19th at midnight, but if we reach the 30 maximum applicants before then, the CFA will close.

The application includes a section to indicate if you will need access to an electrical outlet for your display. Please Note: There are a limited number of perimeter display areas that allow electrical cords. These spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Entry fees are $160 for individuals and $290 for families.


You can go directly to the using the following link.

Click here for the Extravaganza Application Form


The objective of the Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2018! is to showcase the artisans of the AAg in one venue location.

Eligibility: Minimum participating artists – 25 / Maximum – 30

•. Participants of the Alamance Art Extravaganza must be members of the Alamance Artisans guild (AAg). If you are not presently a member, you can sign up for membership with your application.
•  All applicants must be working full- or part-time artists or crafts persons.
•  All work sold at the Art Extravaganza must be original work by the participant.
•  Participants may not offer resale items or items made by non-members.Participants must be present during advertised Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2018! hours.

Participant responsibility:
•  Each participant must participate in the Preview Exhibit, and is responsible for delivery and pickup of his or her work.
•  Participants are required to solicit at least one sponsor.
•  Participants must be present during the event hours on Saturday and Sunday.
•  Participants will be responsible for setting up and removing their displays.

This is a collaborative event where all participants are involved in making it happen. You are not buying a service or just renting a booth space. You are paying to participate in a joint effort that requires time and talent from each of us. Participants must complete the job assigned them by their committee chair. Jobs usually take about 4 hours. It takes everyone to commit to complete his or her task to make the event successful.

Entry Fee:
•   Each participant’s share of the costs of the Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2018! is $160.00 per person.

•   Two family members may exhibit together for a reduced Family Rate cost of $290.00 for both.

The participation fee helps pay for all promotional material, and media publicity and food and wine, purchased by the Extravaganza Food Committee served at the event.

Applicants must submit a maximum of 3 professional quality digital images. These images must be of work created in the last 2 years and must be representative of work to be exhibited. (See “Image Requirements” section below for details.) Your number one image should be your first choice to see in print.

Entries are not complete until the Art Extravaganza Steering Committee has received your entry fee.

Entry form and all supporting materials must be submitted by midnight on May 19, 2018.

Applicants must allow AAg to photograph and use images of their artwork for promotional purposes.

Image Requirements:

Images for Art Extravaganza promotional material require professional quality appearance, i.e.:

  • No images with text
  • No images with a logo
  • No images made as a collage of multiple images
  • No blurry images
  • No images with poor lighting
  • No images with a busy background
  • No images from the internet.

Artisans should submit a total of 3 images. Image files are to be labeled with the artist name like this (last name_first name_image number.file extension) For example: doe_joe_1.tiff. Your number one image needs to be your first choice to see in print.

All submitted images should be of artwork you would like to see in print.

ALL images must be a high-definition picture, meaning 300 dpi (dots per inch) and be a minimum of 5 inches (1500 pixels) on the longest side. Please Note: if the dpi is lower than 300, images will not be used because they will print blurry and will have to be retaken and re-submitted for our printing purposes.

•  Images can be TIFF, PDF, or JPG format.
•  Images must be in color and in CMYK mode.




If you do not have images of new work you will have for the Extravaganza, no problem. We want images that are representative of your work. It can be something that has already sold but is representative of your work.


The application process includes uploading images that we will be using in advertising. Here are some tips to help the process go smoothly and headache-free.

Your images should be sized at 300 dpi with the longest side being a minimum of 5 inches.

For MACs the steps are amazingly simple.

Double click your image from your desktop.
PREVIEW, which is already loaded on every MAC, will open your image.
Click on TOOLS > Adjust Size. (Size box will open)
Click off the small Resample Box. Leave it empty.

Change Resolution to 300. Your image will now show what size it is at 300 dpi. If the longest side is NOT at least 5 inches, this image is too low of a resolution to use. Find a higher resolution image. If the image’s longest side is larger than 5 inches, you are good to continue. Make the longest side 5 inches. Then save that image as: “yourlastname_yourfirstname_1.jpg.” Save it to a new folder on your desktop and when uploading to the application, this is where you will go to get your images. Continue with your second and third image.

Go to http://www.cultofmac.com/456958/resize-images-mac-preview/  to view a brief tutorial for resizing images.

For WINDOWS PCs, there are several programs that make sizing easy.

Select the picture you want to resize. Leave the mouse in position over the picture’s file name, then press the right button on your mouse. Choose “Resize Pictures” from the choices that appear in the popup menu.

Go to http://www.freemake.com/blog/how-to-resize-an-image/ to view a brief tutorial for resizing images.

Any questions, please feel free to contact Steering Committee Manager,

Jude Lobe, [email protected], (919) 260-9889.

Sponsored by the Alamance Artisans guild, the Alamance County Arts Council, and the
North Carolina Arts Council

Vailtree Event Center, 1567 Bakatsias Lane, Haw River, NC 27258

Timeline of Events 2018:

March 17: Online application opens.
May 19 at midnight: Application deadline.
Art Extravaganza event: Saturday, October 20 & Sunday, 21, 2018

Contact Information:

Alamance Art Extravaganza Steering Committee
PO Box 1144
Mebane, NC 27302

website: http://www.alamanceartisans.com

Alamance Artisans Annual Art Extravaganza 2018! Steering Committee
Our purpose is to facilitate, so please contact us with questions or concerns.

Co-Chairs Tekla Frey [email protected] 845-663-5604
Jude Lobe [email protected] 919-260-9889
Treasurer/Secy Debbie Martz [email protected] (724) 970-4040
Application/Survey Anita Vigorito [email protected] 336 207-1613
Supporters: Carolyn Bell [email protected] 336-578-1509
Hospitality: Gregg Lee [email protected]
Signs: Larry Hinshaw [email protected] 336-5700288
Publicity: Edo Zadora [email protected] 919-932-0942
Distribution Rita Duxbury [email protected] 336-227-7168
James Duxbury
Brochure: Nichole Martz [email protected]